His Holiness The
17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje Visits the Central Coast of California
(photo © Karine Lepajolec)
17th Gyalwa Karmapa and his party of nine, including Thinley
Tulku Rinpoche, left Menlo Park early on the morning of Friday,
July 25, to travel to Santa Barbara for the Karmapa's first public
visit in the United States. Their first stop along the Central
Coast was to the San Luis Obispo BodhiPath Buddhist Center where
they were served a generous lunch. Shortly afterwards, more than
200 people warmly welcomed the Gyalwa Karmapa at the Inn at Morro
Bay. There the Karmapa blessed the local community and gave the
lung (a reading ritual) for The Mahamudra Aspiration of True
Meaning by the third Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. After the
ceremony, the Karmapa made a private visit to the home of a dying
man to offer his prayers and blessing.

local newspapers carried the story the next day including the
San Luis Obispo Tribune, which printed a large photo of the Karmapa
on the front page accompanied by an article headlined, "Energizing
Visit -- Blessed Touch: Teachings From The Source." Andrew
Schaffner from the San Luis BodhiPath Center was quoted, "It's
receiving teachings from the source. The body of knowledge, the
whole corpus, gets passed from one Karmapa to the next. Now that
the Karmapa has come of age, he is the vessel for this entire
corpus of knowledge for this lineage." In the New Times
paper, Bart Mendel, Director of the Santa Barbara BodhiPath Center
was quoted, "His Holiness is a Dharma King. He is a teacher
who has vowed to reincarnate continuously over many lifetimes
in order to guide beings from their suffering."
their journey down the coast, the Karmapa's party was escorted
to Santa Barbara by Bart Mendel and Suzan Garner of the Santa
Barbara BodhiPath Buddhist Center. Upon arrival, the group enjoyed
a Tibetan style meal prepared by Hecate Gould, mother of Thinley
Tulku Rinpoche.
Karmapa gave the Vajrayogini Empowerment on Saturday, July 26,
to about 130 ngondro practitioners under a big white tent in
the garden of the Santa Barbara Center. Participants traveled
from 10 different countries to receive this Empowerment given
by for the first time by the 17th Karmapa. According to Shamar
Rinpoche, receiving this Vajrayogini Empowerment (Tib. Dorje
Phagmo) is particularly auspicious because His Holiness had been
in retreat during the past year practicing this sadhana. The
Vajrayogini Empowerment composed by the 8th Karmapa is of great
importance as it is a main yidam practice for Kagyu practitioners.
Even though His Holiness performed most of the Initiation in
Tibetan with Thinley Tulku serving as translator, frequently
the Karmapa addressed the group in English with explanations
and instructions.
Sunday, July 27, the Karmapa gave the Milarepa Empowerment to
about 350 people at the beautiful and historic Lobero Theatre
in downtown Santa Barbara, site of a Black Crown ceremony given
by the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa in 1980. Such an empowerment is an
auspicious joining of the awareness of the recipient, the mind
of a living realized master and the profound lineage of Milarepa
(1040-1123). Renowned for having undergone immense hardships
in order to attain enlightenment in one lifetime, Milarepa, a
forefather of the Kagyu lineage, is considered to be Tibet's
greatest poet and one of its most beloved yogis. Again, this
was the first time the 17th Karmapa performed the Empowerment
of Milarepa. At the conclusion of the Initiation Lama Khedrub,
Spiritual Director of the Santa Barbara Center offered a mandala
to the Karmapa. After the ceremony the audience was invited on
stage where each person was individually blessed by the Karmapa
and the ritual objects of Empowerment.
local reporters and a television station reported on the event.
Bart Mendel was quoted in the South Coast Beacon newspaper as
saying, "It's amazing to see someone so young manifest such
maturity and brilliance. The Karmapa bestowed tremendous blessings
on the entire crowd."
the official empowerments, the BodhiPath Buddhist Center was
quite fortunate to have the Karmapa spend several more days with
them in Santa Barbara. During that time the Karmapa was able
to rest, took in some local sites and enjoyed activities such
as jetting out to sea on the Condor, a high-speed whale watching
boat. The trip was quite a success as the group saw many dolphins,
sea lions and whales swimming gracefully through the ocean.
Karmapa departed Santa Barbara on Wednesday, July 30, with the
promise of many returns to teach more extensively in the near
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