K a r m a . K a g y u . T r a d i t i o n

H.E Lopon Tenzin Rinpoche conducts the Grand Puja for the Dead through Triple Mandalas

Aug.21-28, 2004
Karma Kagyu Monastery, Tainan, Taiwan

To assimilate Tibetan Buddhism into the local customs, H.E. Lopon Tenzin Rinpoche conducts the Grand Puja for the Dead through Triple Mandalas in the so-called Ghost Month of Taiwanese culture. Most local people believe that during this month the gates of Hell open wide and the spirits are allowed a month of feasting and revelry in the world of the living. Therefore it is a tradition that lavish sacrifices are set out, sacrificial paper money is burned, and elaborate chanting ceremonies for the dead are performed by Taoist and Buddhist priests during this period.

Regarding the Tri-Mandalas, H.E. Lopon Tenzin Rinpoche explains that it consists of outer, inner, and secret Mandalas. The Avalokitesvara pureland and representations of the dead etc were made of folk paper arts and set in the outer Mandala in the Karmapa Sanctuary Square. Treasury of wishing-prayers were performed by resident Sangha and numerous Amitabha mantras were recited whole day there. Inner Mandala was set within the Karmapa Sanctuary where the trantic Amitabha rituals were performed every day. As for the secret Mandala, it is visualized in the mind of Rinpoche and Lamas during the Pujas.

Besides, Rinpoche gave teachings on the authentic meaning of devils and gods, mainly on the four devils based on Machik Labdron, founder of Chod practice in Tibet. The teachings is being translated into English. Those who participated in the teaching are deeply impressed and filled with Dharma joy.

Lopon Rinpoche Program (2004), Click here

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